
History of Brant45

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150 Yrs in Brantford

Brant Lodge No. 45 was constituted by the Grand Lodge of Ireland on June 6, 1853. This year we celebrate 150 years in Brantford. To start our celebrations the Worshipful Master W. Bro. Carl Leeson was installed in the chair of King Solomon by W. Bro. David Leslie in January.

February saw us honor W. Bro. Gerald Money for his many years of being an officer in Brant Lodge, more than 25 years. He was presented with certificate and a pair of glasses with our Anniversary Logo and an inscription of W. Bro. Gerald Money Night. His family was present for the presentations.

In March our District Deputy Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Ralph Baldwin made his official visit and 25 year pins were presented to W. Bro. Michael Campbell, Bro. James Ray, Bro. Andrew McNeish, Bro. William Martin and Bro. Victor Disyak. 50 year pins were presented to Bro, Robert Strople and Bro. Leonard Ellins. Bro. Stephen Clarke was presented with his Grand Lodge Certificate. The District chairmen gave their reports.

Mr. Wayne Wolski was initiated into the Mysteries and Privileges of Ancient Free Masonry in April by the Officers of Brant Lodge No. 45.

May saw W. Bro. Duane Bobyk W. M. of Brant Lodge No. 663 Burlington make their biannual visit to Brant Lodge to pass Bro. Wayne Wolski to the fellowcraft degree. This is the 53 visit between our Lodges since the visitations started in 1951. The work was well done as always. Following the degree work W. Bro. Duane Bobyk presented a plaque to our Lodge honoring our inter district visits and Brant Lodge No. 45's sesquicentennial birthday.

On May 24 M. W. Bro. Terence Shand, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario visited our District and helped us celebrate 150 years of Masonry in Brantford with a reception at the Brantford Golf & Country Club on Ava Road. This event was attended by more than 200 masons their wives and friends.

As our birthday was really June 6th we had a weekend of celebrations. On Friday June 6 M. W. Bro. C Edwin Drew, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario was present along with many Grand Lodge officers and R. W. Bro. Albert Arthur Barker Past Grand Senior Warden was made an honorary member of Brant Lodge. When he signed the bylaws he became the 1853rd member of Brant Lodge. Quite a coincidence since Brant Lodge was constituted on June 6, 1853 that Bro. Barker became the 1853 member on June 6, 2003. Letters of congratulations were received from M. W. Bro. Terence Shand, Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Donald Mumby, Deputy Grand Master, R. W. Bro. David Bell, Grand Registrar and R. W. Bro. Gary Atkinson, Member of the Board of General Purposes. Present were R. W. Bro. Donald Campbell and R. W. Bro. John Hough, Members of the Board of General purposes. R. W. Bro. John Ault, DDGM Wilson North and R. W. Bro. John Pollock, DDGM Hamilton A. The Mayor, Chris Friel presented the W. Bro. Carl Leeson with a plaque from the City and spoke about the research he had done on Joseph Brant’s Masonic career as best he could as Mayor Friel is not a Mason. Certificates were received from Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of
Canada, John Chretien, Prime Minister of Canada, Ernie Eves, Premier of Ontario.

R. W. Bro. R. William L. Clarke spoke on some supplemental history of Brant Lodge which didn’t appear in the History Booklets distributed. He spoke on accommodations, honourary memberships and pin presentations. Bro. Harry Wilde presented a large pair of Compasses to W. Bro. Carl Leeson on behalf of Carl Leeson. W. Bro. Harry McClelland presented a magnificent Inner Guard sword on behalf of W. Bro. Jack Herron to be used by the Inner Guard. W. Bro. Harry McClelland delivered a heart provoking address during the presentation. The highlight of the evening was the presentation by W. Bro. Jack Herron on the life and masonic career of R. W. Bro. Albert Barker and the response by R. W. Bro. Barker as he compared his Masonic career to that of a Baseball team’s organization. Following the meeting a banquet was held in the lower air conditioned hall.

Saturday June 7, 2003 was the arrival of the members from St. John’s Lodge 209a, London who came an exemplified the 3rd degree in the Irish Ritual. W. Bro. Dennis Jackson volunteered to be the representative candidate. A social hour and buffet followed the ceremony and a good time was had by all. R. W. Bro. Ralph Baldwin is also a member of St. John’s Lodge and it wonderful
to have his Lodge come to his district to exemplify the 3rd degree and also help us celebrate our 150th Anniversary as we were also a constituted Irish Lodge.

Sunday saw us up bright and early and we held a Widow’s Tea at the Lodge and presented the Widow’s who could come with Widow pins. This was followed by an Open House in the lodge Room. Later we held an Olde Fashion Picnic in Mohawk Park where members brought salads and desserts. The Lodge supplied hotdogs and hamburgs. As we were barbecuing a torrential storm arrived an even though we were in the shelter the cooks were standing in two inches of water. A great time was had by all who attended. This certainly was a memorable weekend for all who attended.

History 1852-1980

By: Bro. William W. Mitchell

Prior to the formation of the Grand Lodge of Canada in 1855, Brant Lodge operated as No. 323, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ireland.

The Charter granted by the Grand Lodge of Ireland was dated June 6, 1853, and was signed by Augustus Frederick, Duke of Leinster, Grand Master; George Hoyte, D.G.M.; Richard, Earl of Donoughmore, G.S.W.; Sir John McNeil, G.J.W. of the Grand Lodge of Ireland. It was granted to Arunah Huntington as Worshipful Master; Charles H. Waterous as Senior Warden and Charles R. Wilkes as Junior Warden.

The Charter Members were:
David Curtis
John Foley
Reginald Henwood, M.D.
John Lennox Hodge
Arunah Huntington
Luther C. Norton
Robert Scott
John Skinner, M.D.
William Walker
Charles H. Waterous
Charles R. Wilkes
George S. Wilkes
John Ashton Wilkes
Henry Yardington
James Yardington
Romeyn Mulligan

On July 19, 1855, at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge in Niagara Falls, the Brant Lodge was well represented. It was at this meeting where the delegates from all of the masonic lodges in the province considered the propriety of establishing a Canadian Grand Lodge.

Brant Lodge was again well represented at a meeting in the Masonic Hall, Hamilton, Ontario, on October 10, 1855, where it was resolved "that the Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of Canada be and is hereby formed upon the ancient charges and constitution of masonry." Colonel William Mercer Wilson was then elected as the first Grand Master.

Brant Lodge, upon being instituted under this new Grand Lodge, was assigned the number "22", and received its new Charter dated November 24, 1855. The signature on the Charter was that of the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother William Mercer Wilson.

The Charter Members at this time were noted to be:
Worshipful Master David Curtis
Senior Warden Dr. John Skinner
Junior Warden George W. Malloch

On July 14, 1858, when the two Grand Lodges were finally united, with 129 Lodges now under the one jurisdiction, the lodges were renumbered giving recognition to seniority. Brant Lodge was then assigned the new number "45".

Brant Lodge No. 45, Brantford, has supplied the nucleus for the formation of other lodges in this district, including Doric Lodge No. 121, Ozias Lodge No. 508, Burford Lodge No. 106 and St. George Lodge No. 243. Brant Lodge became a grandmother lodge when Doric Lodge No. 121 supplied the nucleus of members for the formation of Reba Lodge No. 515, and when Burford Lodge No. 106 supplied members for the formation of Scotland Lodge No. 193.

On January 18, 1909, the lodge rooms that were to be occupied co-operatively by Brant Lodge No. 45 and Doric Lodge No. 121 were dedicated.

On June 13, 1953, the 100th Anniversary of Brant Lodge was celebrated with a reception for the Most Worshipful, the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Nelson Collins Hart. (237 signed the Tyler's Register on this occasion).

Brant Lodge No. 45 was one of the four Brantford City Lodges who worked co-operatively for the construction and equipping of the new Brantford Masonic Temple, on Greenwich Street, which became its home in 1955.

History 1978-1997

By: R.W. Bro. R. William L. Clarke

During our 125th year, Brant Lodge No. 45 made her 28th bi-annual visit to Brant Lodge No. 663, Burlington, Ontario. To remind us of our Irish heritage, the Officers and members of St. John's Lodge 209A, London, Ontario came and exemplified the third degree in the Irish ritual. As well, degree team from Alpha Lodge No. 384, Toronto, Ontario came and passed one of our brothers to the fellow craft degree. The official visit of R. Wor. Bro. Robert Edwin Davies, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, rounded out the celebrations of this 125th anniversary year.

Over the last 20 years, Brant Lodge has continued to hold its own. Membership has been on the decline, but in the last couple of years has begun to grow again. Brant Lodge has been quite active in helping the Masonic Foundation raise funds for its projects: Hearing for Every Living Person, which was the Project celebrating 125 years of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario; and the Nip Drugs in the Bud project celebrating 25 years of the Masonic Foundation of Ontario. Locally, Brant Lodge has helped with the following district projects of the donation of an organ for Mohawk Chapel and a Reading Machine at the library for the visually impaired.

R. Wor. Bro. J. Carl Creamer (1961) and R. Wor. Bro. R. William L. Clarke (1980) were District Deputy Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario for M. Wor. Bro. C. Edwin Drew, Grand Master in 1993-94. Bro. Creamer for Wilson North District and Bro. Clarke for Brant District. Bro. Creamer took his demit when he moved to Woodstock but he still proudly wears his Past Master's jewel from Brant Lodge. In 1999 he was restored to membership in Brant Lodge.

Brant Lodge has continued its reciprocal fraternal visits with Brant Lodge No. 663 in Burlington, which began in 1951.

At the present time, Brant Lodge has a good supply of young officers and the future of the Lodge looks good for a number of years.

On Dec. 21 1998, Bro. Frank William Palmer, who is now living on Manitoulin Island, was presented with his 70 year pin. This was presented for us by Wor. Bro. Allan E. Tustian, an old friend, at Manitoulin Lodge in Gore Bay. Many members of Gore Bay Lodge No. 472 and Doric Lodge No. 455 shared in the celebration after the brief presentation.

On Aug. 7, 1999, an open house was held to celebrate the 90th birthday of Wor. Bro. Wilford Knoepfli. He was born on July 22, 1909, initiated into masonry on Oct. 13, 1936, passed to his second degree on Nov. 24, 1936 and raised on Jan. 26, 1937. Bro. Knoepfli was Worshipful Master of Brant Lodge in 1945. He received his 50 year pin in 1986, his 50 year Past Master pin in 1995 and his 60 year pin in 1996. He has been a every active member of the Lodge for over 60 years. At the reception, Wor. Bro. Jack Herron commented that nearly every Brant Lodge member present was probably raised by Bro. Knoepfli. Another member who spoke was Wor. Bro. Harry McClellan who commented on the true ritualist that Wilf is and Worshipful Master Dennis Fulkerson congratulated Wilf on his 90th birthday. After the Knoepfli family had a tour of the Lodge room, an anniversary cake was cut and Bro. Knoepfli gave his heartfelt thanks to the Lodge from himself, his wife Olga and his family for honouring him in this way.

April 24, 2001, M. Wor. Bro. Norman E Byrne, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario was present to witness the initiation of Mr. Donald Lawrence Jackson and Mr. Gordon Lewis Staats into the Mysteries and Privileges of Ancient Free Masonry. Wor. Bro. Dennis Jackson, Worshipful Master of Brant Lodge initiated his father and a friend. M. Wor. Bro. Byrne spoke on becoming a Brother. A good evening was enjoyed by all.

On December 11, 2001, R. Wor. Bro. R. William L. Clarke initiated his son Mr. Stephen William Clarke into the Mysteries and Privileges of Ancient Free Masonry. This evening was Past Masters Night and many visiting brethren enjoyed a delightful evening. Bro. Stephen W. Clarke becomes a fifth generation Mason as far as we have discovered. On May 14, 2002, R. Wor. Bro. Carl Creamer lead a distinguished Past District Deputy Degree Team (calling themselves the Grumpy Old Men) from Wilson North and South and Brant and they raised Bro. Stephen W. Clarke to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.

On June 10, 2002, Wor. Bro. Jack Herron sat in the chair of King Solomon and Raised his son-in-law Bro. Samuel Bessey from Pembroke Lodge No. 128 in the Ottawa District 2 to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. Bro. Bessey is slated to return to the Peace Keeping force in Bosnia this fall.

Past Officers

1852 Officers (Under Dispensation)
Worshipful Master Wor. Bro. Arunah Huntington
Senior Warden Bro. Charles H. Waterous
Junior Warden Bro. Charles R. Wilkes

1853 Officers (Institution)
Worshipful Master Wor. Bro. Reginald Henwood
Senior Warden Bro. David Curtis
Junior Warden Bro. Charles R. Wilkes

1953 Officers (100th Anniversary)
Worshipful Master Wor. Bro. William J. Walton
Immediate Past Master Wor. Bro. R. V. M. Smith
Senior Warden Bro. Harold L. Flood
Junior Warden Bro. Harry H. Clark
Chaplain Bro. S. S. Niblock
Treasurer Rt. Wor. Bro. John Lewis
Secretary V. Wor. Bro. George Reginald Millard
Assistant Secretary Rt. Wor. Bro. R. W. E. McFadden
Senior Deacon Bro. L. L. Johnson
Junior Deacon Bro. Robert J. Greenwood
Director of Ceremonies Wor. Bro. Lloyd W. Lawrence
Organist Bro. Ronald Ramsbottom
Senior Steward Bro. George E. Salmon
Junior Steward Bro. R. V. M. Mackenzie
Inner Guard Bro. C. J. Batson
Tyler Bro. Charles Davies

1978 Officers (125th Anniversary)
Worshipful Master Wor. Bro. Andrew S. Burns
Immediate Past Master Wor. Bro. William R. Rutledge
Senior Warden Bro. W. Gerald Wright
Junior Warden Bro. R. William L. Clarke
Chaplain Bro. William A. Martin
Treasurer Bro. W. Ralph Shellington
Secretary V. W. Bro. Kenneth H. Baker
Senior Deacon Bro. Gerald E. Money
Junior Deacon Bro. Alan Illidge
Director of Ceremonies Wor. Bro. Frederick L. Garlent
Organist Bro. Robert Templeman
Senior Steward Bro. John L. Herron
Junior Steward Bro. William S. Sinclair
Inner Guard Bro. John C. Eacrett
Tyler Bro. J. Walter Tandy

1853 V. Wor. Bro. Reginald Henwood
1854 V. Wor. Bro. Reginald Henwood
1855 R. Wor. Bro. David Curtis
1856 V. Wor. Bro. Charles R. Wilkes
1857 V. Wor. Bro. Reginald Henwood
1858 Wor. Bro. George Wm. Malloch
1859 R. Wor. Bro. David Curtis
1860 R. Wor. Bro. David Curtis
1861 R. Wor. Bro. David Curtis
1862 Wor. Bro. John Taylor
1863 Wor. Bro. John Taylor
1864 R. Wor. Bro. David Curtis
1865 V. Wor. Bro. J. W. Lethbridge
1866 V. Wor. Bro. J. W. Lethbridge
1867 Wor. Bro. John Taylor
1868 R. Wor. Bro. Frederick Mudge
1869 R. Wor. Bro. Frederick Mudge
1870 R. Wor. Bro. Hugh McK. Wilson
1871 R. Wor. Bro. Hugh McK. Wilson
1872 R. Wor. Bro. Hugh McK. Wilson
1873 V. Wor. Bro. John Bishop
1874 V. Wor. Bro. John Bishop
1875 V. Wor. Bro. John Bishop
1876 V. Wor. Bro. John Bishop
1877 Wor. Bro. Solon H. McMichael
1878 Wor. Bro. Solon H. McMichael
1879 V. Wor. Bro. William Juar Watt
1882 Wor. Bro. Erastus Kester
1880 V. Wor. Bro. William Juar Watt
1881 Wor. Bro. Erastus Kester
1883 Wor. Bro. Erastus Kester
1884 Wor. Bro. Burroes Henry Rothwell
1885 Wor. Bro. Burroes Henry Rothwell
1886 Wor. Bro. Isaac James Birchard
1887 V. Wor. Bro. John Bishop
1888 R. Wor. Bro. Jas. Samuel Heath, MD
1889 R. Wor. Bro. Jas. Samuel Heath, MD
1890 Wor. Bro. John Henry Clause
1891 Wor. Bro. John Henry Clause
1892 R. Wor. Bro. S. F. Passmore
1893 Wor. Bro. Albert E. Harley
1894 Wor. Bro. John Edward Taylor
1895 Wor. Bro. Nathaniel D. Neill
1896 Wor. Bro. Herbert David Curtis
1897 Wor. Bro. B. Wood
1898 Wor. Bro. Frederick William Frank
1899 V. Wor. Bro. Joseph A. Broadbent
1900 Wor. Bro. Joshua R. Hamilton
1901 R. Wor. Bro. Franklin Hanna, MD
1902 R. Wor. Bro. Franklin Hanna, MD
1903 Wor. Bro. Richard H. Squire
1904 Wor. Bro. James P. Hoag
1905 Wor. Bro. Joseph B. Gamble, MD
1906 R. Wor. Bro. Jas. Samuel Heath, MD
1907 Wor. Bro. Frank John Calbeck
1908 Wor. Bro. William Arthur Bentham
1909 Wor. Bro. James C. Montgomery
1910 Wor. Bro. William S. Giddens
1911 Wor. Bro. Harry D. Clapsattle
1912 R. Wor. Bro. George H. Ryerson
1913 Wor. Bro. Ernest R. Read
1914 Wor. Bro. R. T. Whitlock
1915 Wor. Bro. H. W. Sullivan
1916 V. Wor. Bro. E. Lochead
1917 V. Wor. Bro. William Arthur E. Day
1918 Wor. Bro. L. L. Miller
1919 V. Wor. Bro. Charles L. Gamble
1920 Wor. Bro. Edward Herbert Newman
1921 Wor. Bro. Dewellyn H. Coates
1922 Wor. Bro. William Turnbull Millard
1923 R. Wor. Bro. John Lewis
1924 Wor. Bro. John LeDrew
1925 Wor. Bro. Robert Wilcock
1926 Wor. Bro. Robert Wilcock
1927 V. Wor. Bro. George Reginald Millard
1928 R. Wor. Bro. R. W. E. McFadden
1929 Wor. Bro. George Morley Glanville
1930 V. Wor. Bro. G. Alexander Bowden
1931 Wor. Bro. Francis John Sheppard
1932 Wor. Bro. Harry Austin Standing
1933 Wor. Bro. Samuel Clelland Clegg
1934 Wor. Bro. Russell Reid
1935 R. Wor. Bro. David P. McDonald
1936 Wor. Bro. Harold C. Richards, DDS
1937 Wor. Bro. Arthur Leslie Gilmour
1938 Wor. Bro. Harry Bertram Jones
1939 Wor. Bro. S. Stanley Johnson
1940 Wor. Bro. Walker Elmer Davies
1941 R. Wor. Bro. Jack Atkinson
1942 Wor. Bro. Kilbourne Barr Campbell
1943 Wor. Bro. Robert W. E. Hall
1944 V. Wor. Bro. Frederick S. Grobb
1945 Wor. Bro. Wilford K. Knoepfli
1946 Wor. Bro. W. Frederick Billo
1947 Wor. Bro. W. Frederick Billo
1948 Wor. Bro. Henry John Maslin
1949 Wor. Bro. Norman Lloyd Smith
1950 Wor. Bro. Richard Cecil Porter
1951 R. Wor. Bro. Lloyd W. Lawrence
1952 Wor. Bro. R. V. M. Smith
1953 Wor. Bro. William John Walton
1954 Wor. Bro. Harold Lawson Flood
1955 R. Wor. Bro. Harry H. Clark
1956 V. Wor. Bro. Leonard L. Johnson
1957 Wor. Bro. Robinson J. Greenwood
1958 Wor. Bro. John H. L. Tyson
1959 Wor. Bro. Clarence James Batson
1960 V. Wor. Bro. Albert C. Brooker
1961 R. Wor. Bro. John Carl Creamer
1962 V. Wor. Bro. Kenneth H. Baker
1963 Wor. Bro. George Edward Apigian
1964 Wor. Bro. E. Lloyd Townson
1965 Wor. Bro. Leo Gordon Culver
1966 Wor. Bro. David Lorne Ritchie
1967 Wor. Bro. Harold Edward Hooper
1968 Wor. Bro. John Henry Revell
1969 Wor. Bro. Harry William Chivers
1970 Wor. Bro. Normond Ellis
1971 Wor. Bro. James Patterson Michie
1972 Wor. Bro. Donald Wesley Clarkson
1973 Wor. Bro. Kenneth Lloyd Brazier
1974 Wor. Bro. George Moore Mills
1975 Wor. Bro. James Murray White
1976 Wor. Bro. Frederick Leroy Garlent
1977 Wor. Bro. William Randolph Rutledge
1978 Wor. Bro. Andrew Slater Burns
1979 V. Wor. Bro. Walter Gerald Wright
1980 R. Wor. Bro. R. William L. Clarke
1981 Wor. Bro. Gerald E. Money
1982 Wor. Bro. John C. Eacrett
1983-84 Wor. Bro. John L. Herron (17 mon)
1984-85 Wor. Bro. Alan Illidge (June Installation)
1985-86 Wor. Bro. Michael J. Campbell
1986-87 Wor. Bro. John M. Algar
1987-88 Wor. Bro. Gary W. Reeves
1988-89 Wor. Bro. Harry Y. McClelland
1989-90 Wor. Bro. Peter Waller
1990-91 Wor. Bro. Gordon W. Dean
1991-92 Wor. Bro. Gary E. Mills
1992-93 Wor. Bro. Gary G. Weeks
1993-94 Wor. Bro. Ronald B. Weeks
1994-95 Wor. Bro. Hugh M. Devereux
1995-96 Wor. Bro. Richard B. Pickering (17 mon)
1996-97 Wor. Bro. E. Brian Sherren (Nov. Install)
1997-98 Wor. Bro. L. David Leslie
1998-99 Wor. Bro. Dennis B. Fulkerson
1999-00 Wor. Bro. David J. Gregory
2000-01 Wor. Bro. Dennis L. Jackson
2001-02 Wor. Bro. L. David Leslie
2003 W. Bro. Carl William Leeson
2003-04 W. Bro. Harry Wilde
2004-06 W. Bro. Wm. Martin Install. January. 2004
2006-07 W. Bro. Harry Robert Yates McClelland Installed June 2006
2007-08 W. Bro. Nigel Stephen Vas
2008-09 W. Bro. Stephen William Clarke
2009-10 W. Bro. James William Francis McClelland
2010-11 W. Bro. Steven Gordon Frotten
2011-12 W. Bro. Brian Clark Pickering
2012-13 W. Bro. Michael Frank Biro (1st Installed Worshipful Master at 117 Charing Cross)
2013-14 W. Bro. Steven Gordon Frotten
2014-15 W. Bro. Ian Davidson
2015-16 W. Bro. Brian Clark Pickering
2016-17 W. Bro. Kieran Patrick Reed
2017-18 W. Bro. Daniel R. Narejko
2018-19 W. Bro. Jeffrey Donald Farncombe
2019-22 W. Bro. Gordon Allen Beardwood
2022-23 W.Bro. Stephen William Clarke
2023-      W.Bro James Bruce Braund

1992 Wor. Bro. Harry Standing

V. Wor. Bro. Alex Williamson 1979 from Alpha Lodge No. 384
V. Wor. Bro. Sheldon V. Stannard 1991 from Ozias Lodge No. 508
Wor. Bro. William Scott 1994 from Kilwinning Lodge No. 565
V. Wor. Bro. Steven Bobrovitz 2000 from Doric Lodge No. 121
Wor. Bro. Brian Clarke 2000 from Doric Lodge No. 121
Wor. Bro. John Shannon 2000 from Doric Lodge No. 121
Wor. Bro. Kenneth A. Johnson 2000 from Doric Lodge No. 121
Wor. Bro. Kenneth Johnson 2000 from Doric Lodge No. 121
Wor. Bro. Cory McCarthy 2002 from Doric Lodge No. 382 Hamilton


Initiated into Masonry in Alpha Lodge No. 384, Toronto, Ontario on March 10, 1955 Passed on March 24, 1955; Raised on April 14, 1955 Worshipful Master of Alpha Lodge No. 384 Affiliated with Brant Lodge No. 45 on March 9, 1976 Appointed Grand Senior Steward of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario in 1990.

Initiated into Masonry in Brant Lodge No. 45, Brantford, Ontario on Feb. 10, 1942; Passed on April 28, 1942; Raised on May 26, 1942;
Worshipful Master of Brant Lodge No. 45, Brantford, Ontario in 1951. Secretary of Brant Lodge 1981-82; Elected District Deputy Grand Master of Brant Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario in 1981-82.


Initiated into Masonry in Brant Lodge No. 45, Brantford, Ontario on Feb. 13, 1973; Passed on June 12, 1973; Raised on Sept. 25, 1973. Worshipful Master of Brant Lodge No. 45, Brantford, Ontario in 1979. Secretary of Brant Lodge No. 45 1984-98
District Secretary of Brant Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario in 1988; Appointed Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario in July 1988

Initiated into Masonry in Valley Lodge No. 100, in Dundas, Ont. on Feb. 10, 1964, member 1106 Passed on April 13, 1964; Raised on June 8, 1964; Affiliated with Brant Lodge No. 45, Brantford, Ontario on March 12, 1974; Worshipful Master of Brant Lodge No. 45, Brantford, Ontario in 1980; District Chaplain of Brant Masonic District in 1981-82; President of the Masters, Past Masters and Wardens Association of Brant Masonic District 1993. Elected District Deputy Grand Master of Brant Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario in 1993-94. Appointed Historian of Brant Masonic District January 1996. Secretary of Brant Lodge 1998-2003. Treasurer 2003-

Initiated into Masonry in Brant Lodge No. 45, Brantford, Ontario on May 9,1950; Passed on June 13, 1950; Raised on November 28, 1950; Worshipful Master of Brant Lodge No. 45, Brantford, Ontario in 1961; Demited from Brant Lodge December 20, 1974; Affiliated with Mercer Wilson Lodge No. 678, Woodstock, Ontario on ; Elected District Deputy Grand Master of Wilson North Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario in 1993-94; Restored in Brant Lodge No. 45, Brantford on February 9, 1999.

Initiated into Masonry in Ozias Lodge No. 508, Brantford, Ontario on May 17, 1983; Passed on June 21, 1983; Raised on Sept. 20, 1983. Worshipful Master of Ozias Lodge No. 508, Brantford, Ontario 1988-90; District Secretary of Brant Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario 1990-91; Appointed Ass't Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario 1991 Affiliated with Brant Lodge No. 45 on Dec. 10, 1991.


Initiated into Masonry in Doric Lodge 121, Brantford, Ontario on September 17, 1971; Passed on October 22, 1971 and Raised on November 26, 1971; Worshipful Master of Doric Lodge 121, Brantford, Ontario in 1980; District Secretary of Brant Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario in 1993-94; Appointed Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario in July 1994 Affiliated with Brant Lodge No. 45 on September 11, 2000.


V. Wor. Bro. Kenneth Baker 1965-80
R. Wor. Bro. Lloyd Lawrence 1981-82
Wor. Bro. William R. Rutledge 1983- Nov. 1983
V. Wor. Bro. Gerald Wright 1983-98
R. Wor. Bro. R. William L. Clarke 1998-2003
W. Bro. Harry Mcclelland 2003-


Bro. Kenneth Braund (father of James Braund)

Bro. Stephen William Clarke (son of R. W. L.)
Wor. Bro. Roderick William Clarke (Valley Lodge No. 100) (father of R. W. L.)
Bro. Roderick William Clarke (Valley Lodge No. 100) (grandfather of R. W. L.)
Bro. Roderick John Clarke (Emblematic Lodge 1321, England) (great-grandfather of R. W. L.)
Wor. Bro. Cyril Cropton Ashcroft (Temple Lodge No. 324) (father-in-law of R. W. L.)
Bro. Warren Ashcroft (Temple Lodge No. 324) (brother-in-law of R. W. L.)
Wor. Bro. Harold E. Robertson (Valley Lodge No. 100) (uncle of R. W. L.)
R. Wor. Bro. Leslie Ashcroft (Sudbury) (uncle of R. W. L.)

Wor. Bro. Paul Clarkson (son of Donald Clarkson)

Wor. Bro. Hugh Devereux (son of Gordon Devereux)
V. Wor. Bro. George Reginald Millard (grandfather of Hugh Devereux)

Bro. Leslie J. Ellins (brother of Leonard Ellins)

Bro. David Lovell (son of Jack Lovell)
Bro. James Lovell (son of Jack Lovell)

Bro. Harry Thomas McClelland (uncle of Harry Yates McClelland
Bro. James William Francis McClelland (nephew of Harry Yates McClelland)
Bro. Robert Harry Yates McClelland (nephew of Harry Yates McClelland)

Bro. Kirk W. Rutledge (son of William Rutledge)

Wor. Bro. Norman Lloyd Smith (father of Robert Smith)

Bro. Shawn Stannard (brother of Sheldon Stannard)

Bro. Thomas Taylor Jenkins (grandfather of Peter Waller)
Bro. Raymond G. Waller (father of Peter Waller)
Bro. Michael Waller (brother of Peter Waller)

Wor. Bro. Gary Weeks (brother of Ronald Weeks)

History of Members

Bro. Ralph Shellington was awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal on September 1, 1943 and the Distinguished Flying Cross on November 4, 1944. The following are excerpts that appeared in the London Gazette after his presentations. ‘Sergeant Shellington has taken part in many operational sorties against some of the enemy's major and most heavily defended targets. At all times he has shown outstanding ability as a wireless operator and a strong sense of duty. His cheerful confidence has contributed largely to the high standard and morale obtained by his crew. Flying Officer Shellington has completed his second tour of operations. Throughout his tours he has proved himself a valuable member of his crew and has attained a high degree of efficiency. He has successfully effected repairs in the air on several occasions. At other times his vigilance has played a large part in evading attacks by enemy night fighters. His skill and cheerfulness combined with a fine fighting spirit have been most praiseworthy.'

Service Pins

1991 R. Wor. Bro. Jack Atkinson
1995 Wor. Bro. Wilfred Knoepfli

1991 Wor. Bro. David Ritchie
1997 Wor. Bro. Donald Clarkson

1991 Bro. Donald H. Coyne
1995 Wor. Bro. Harry Standing; Bro. Frank A. R. Smith
1998 Bro. Frank W. Palmer

1981 Bro. Donald H. Coyne
1984 Bro. E. P. Winhold
1988 Bro. Frank W. Palmer; Bro. W. Gordon Grieg; Wor. Bro. Wilford K. Knoepfli; R. Wor. Bro. Jack Atkinson;

1978 Bro. Frank W. Palmer
1983 Bro. Wilfred Blancher
1984 Wor. Bro. Frederick Billo; Bro. Frederick Hunt
1985 Bro. Reginald A. Stuart
1986 Wor. Bro. Wilford K. Knoepfli; Bro. W. Gordon Grieg
1992 Bro. Ward Young; Bro. Roy E. Guscott
1993 Bro. Art Lawson
1994 Wor. Bro. William J. Walton
1996 Bro. Les. Ellins; Bro. Arthur Jones; Bro. Gordon Hands; Bro. A. S. McGregor; Bro. Jack R. Lovell; Bro. Gordon Pronger
1998 Wor. Bro. Robinson J. Greenwood; Bro. John A. Ronald; Bro. George E. Salmon; Bro. Douglas Denton; Bro. John M. Freeborn; Bro. Clarence Vernon Welsh
1999 Bro. Roy Belshaw; Bro. Jack Kenneth Simmonds; Bro. George McFarlane
2000 R. Wor. Bro. Carl John Creamer; Bro. Douglas G. Prensler; Bro. Kenneth H. Matheson
2001 Wor. Bro. Robert Lloyd Smith

1989 R. Wor. Bro. R. William L. Clarke
1999 Wor. Bro. Gerald Money
2000 V. Wor. Bro. Gerald W. Wright; Bro. Dr. Glen Young; Bro. Wayne Howarth; Bro. Ross M. Buzek; Bro. Douglas Denton; Bro. Ashton W. McMaster; Bro. Andrew McNeish
2001 Wor. Bro. David John Gregory;
2002 Wor. Bro. Jack Herron

2000 Bro. Alexander J. Finlayson

50 year canes

Bro. Edward Paul Park
At the regular meeting of Brant Lodge in February 2000, R. Wor. Bro. R. William L. Clarke presented to the Lodge a cane which was presented to Bro. Edward Paul Park on his 50th anniversary on becoming a Mason in 1929. Bro. Park was no. 161 on the Brant Lodge register and was initiated on Sep. 23, 1879. This cane was given to the Lodge by Wor. Bro. Joseph Francisca, Worshipful Master of Hiram Lodge No. 319. It was found by Bro. Francisca after a relative of his died recently. The cane will be stored in the archives of the Lodge.

Bro. Samuel George Read
At the regular meeting of Brant Lodge in May, Wor. Bro. David Gregory presented to the Lodge Historian R. Wor. Bro. Carl Creamer a cane which was presented to Bro. Samuel George Read in 1923 for 50 years service to the Craft. This cane was given to the Worshipful Master by Bro. Read's grandson, Bro. Paul Read. The Historian was directed to place the cane in the Lodge archives.

DDGM Regalia

R. Wor. Bro. Lloyd Lawrence's DDGM regalia was presented to the Masters' Past Masters' and Wardens' Association to be recycled in 1995. Bro. Lawrence's past master's jewel was presented to Wor. Bro. Hugh Devereux at the installation in June 1995.

R. Wor. Bro. Jack Atkinson's DDGM regalia was presented to the Masters' Past Masters' and Wardens' Association to be recycled in 1999. Bro. Atkinson's past master's jewel was presented to Wor. Bro. Dennis Fulkerson at the installation in November 1999.

R. Wor. Bro. John Lewis:
At the regular meeting of Brant Lodge No. 45 in September 2000, R. Wor. Bro. R. William L. Clarke presented on behalf of the Masters', Past Masters' and Wardens Association the DDGM regalia that was worn by R. Wor. Bro. John Lewis when he was DDGM of Brant Masonic District in 1930-31. Bro. Lewis was initiated in 1910 and was Worshipful Master in 1923. This regalia will be placed in the Lodge's archives.


Compiled by Wor. Bro. David Gregory, Worshipful Master

My autobiography will be first. I am 53 years old and was born and raised in Paris. My father, John, was a family physician and my mother, Marion, was a traditional stay-at-home Mom. I have an older sister, Gail, who is a retired high school teacher living in Owen Sound. My father is deceased and my mother now lives in Brantford. After graduating from Paris District High School in 1965, I attended the University of Toronto from 1965 to 1972 and obtained degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Law. I came to Brantford in 1974 and joined a law firm in which the three other members were Masons. Bro. Paul Read and Bro. Bob Innes recommended me for membership in Brant Lodge in 1976, but I didn't become an Officer until the early 1990's. My beloved wife, Christine, died of cancer in August of this year. I have two sons, Mike, 15, and Peter, 9, who keep me busy. They are both competitive swimmers with the Brantford Aquatic Club. They are good boys, and I am very proud of both of them. I left the practice of law in 1998 to become an Adjudicator with the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal, conducting hearings in disputes between landlords and tenants of residential housing. I am a Past President of the Brant Curling Club and the Brant Law Association. I am a Fellow of the College of Freemasonry. I am currently the President of the Brantford Scottish Rite Association and the Brant District Ambassador to Murton Lodge of Perfection. I am also a member of Mocha Temple.


Dennis was born in Brantford and is 36 years old. Dennis' cultural heritage is diverse and includes connections to the Underground Railroad and the Mohawk Nation. Dennis is married to Brenda and they have 5 children. Dennis is a graduate of North Park Collegiate and has studied Law and Security Administration at Mohawk College, as well as social science programs at University of Western Ontario. Dennis is employed as a correctional officer. Dennis is a member of First Baptist Church and has volunteered his time as a baseball coach. Dennis was sponsored into Brant Lodge by W. Bro. Mike Campbell and the late W. Bro. Ron Weeks. Dennis is a member of Murton Lodge of Perfection and the 1812 Re-enactment Degree Team. Dennis works hard at our Masonic ritual and is an asset to Brant Lodge. I wish him well in his goal to become your Worshipful Master in November.

James was born in Hamilton and is 29 years old. James married his Tricia last September and she has been very active in assisting with his kitchen duties. James has a high school education and works as a grinder at Westcast Industries. James is also a graduate of Mohawk College with a diploma in Architectural Technology. James was sponsored into Brant Lodge by W. Bro. Peter Waller and W. Bro. Dennis Fulkerson. James' father, Bro. Ken Braund, is also a member of Brant Lodge and has assisted James tremendously in preparing meals. James is a member of the 1812 Re-enactment Degree Team. James is a member of several historical military re-enactment groups, including Butler's Rangers and the U.S. 16th Regiment Afoot. James is a hard-working young man and I am pleased that he is pursuing his desire to be the Worshipful Master of Brant Lodge.

Carl was born in Orangeville over 61 years ago and lives in Brantford. Carl has been married to Lynda for over 37 years, and they have two adult children and two foster children. Carl and Lynda have had between 40 and 50 foster children over the years, particularly hard to place children in their teenage years. Carl has received diplomas in connection with his specialized training in foster care. Carl has a high school education and works as a press operator at Lintec Business Forms. Carl was sponsored into Brant Lodge in March, 1996 by W. Bro. Don Clarkson and W. Bro. David Leslie. Carl is a member of Unity Shrine No. 14, the Murton Lodge of Perfection, and the Brantford Scottish Rite Association. Carl is active in his church, Sydenham United, is the Group Committee Chairperson of 3rd Sydenham Scouts, and a member of the Brantford Foster Parents Association. Carl is one of those special people that can't say no and he is an excellent ritualist. Whenever I need someone to do work, I can count on Carl. All things being equal, Carl with be W.M. of Brant Lodge when we celebrate our 150th Anniversary in 2003, and that is not by accident. I am proud to have Bro. Carl Leeson as a friend and as an officer of Brant Lodge.

Harry is 51 years old and lives in Brantford. Harry's mother also lives in Brantford and his late father was a PUC bus driver for over 30 years. Harry has an older sister. Harry has been married to Dianne for over 25 years, and they have three adult children, Kathleen, Julie and Harry Jr. Harry spent his youth in Eagle Place and Homedale, and attended elementary school at King Edward, Thomas B. Costain and Dufferin schools and high school at B.C.I. While he has taken a variety of post-secondary courses, Harry essentially went straight from high school to Canada Permanent in 1968, and spent the next 30 years in the trust company business. Harry took a golden handshake from Canada Trust in 1998, and hasn't looked back. He has completed a series of courses and now works as a real estate appraiser for Hopkins-Lewis, holding the appraisal designation of C.R.A. Harry was sponsored into Brant Lodge in November, 1995 by W. Bro. Richard B. Pickering and myself. Harry has two uncles in Masonry, W. Bro. Norm Burke and Bro. Len Wilde, and is a member of Murton Lodge of Perfection. Harry is active in his church, Greenbrier Presbyterian, currently serving as a elder, and has been a member of the Brantford Jaycees, served as General Chairman of the Salvation Army Red Shield Campaign, and coached and refereed minor sports. I have far more information about Harry than will fit on these pages. I have been proud to call Bro. Harry Wilde a friend since 1974, and am equally proud to have him as an officer of Brant Lodge.

Harry is 26 years old and lives in Brantford. Harry has a brother, Jamie, and two sisters, Joanne and Teresa. His parents, Rob & Margaret, also live in Brantford. If some of this sounds familiar, it's because you read about Harry's brother, Jamie, last month. Harry attended elementary school at Bellview and Major Ballachey and high school at Pauline Johnson. After high school, Jamie attended George Brown College where he studied Culinary Arts. Harry worked for 5 years at Callahan's Restaurant and now works at Bell City Foundry, obviously not as a chef. Harry pours grey iron and ductile iron on different moulding machines, as well as operating a forklift. Harry was sponsored into Brant Lodge in March, 1997 by his uncle, W. Bro. Harry McClelland, and W. Bro. Jack Herron. Harry enjoys cooking and baking and is taking classes at Mohawk College in different subjects. I have it on good authority that Harry is a student of the Martial Arts as well. Harry came forward to assume the role of Treasurer in 1998 and I was pleased to appoint him as Inner Guard last November. Harry is the kind of intelligent young man that we need in Masonry, and I am proud to have Bro. Harry McClelland as an officer of Brant Lodge.

James, or Jamie as we know him, is 25 years old and lives in Brantford. Jamie has a brother, Harry, and two sisters, Joanne and Teresa. His parents, Rob & Margaret, also live in Brantford. Jamie attended elementary school at Bellview School and Woodman Drive School, and high school at Pauline Johnson. After high school, Jamie attended Fanshawe College where he studied to be a library information technician. Jamie worked for a short time in the kitchen at Callahan's Restaurant and now works at Bell City Foundry. Jamie's duties as a process controller include verifying casting densities and testing the chemical levels in the iron. Jamie was recommended for membership into Brant Lodge by his uncle, W. Bro. Harry Y. McClelland, and W. Bro. Jack Herron and was initiated in January 1998. Jamie's brother, Bro. Harry Y.R. McClelland, is also a member of Brant Lodge and you will learn more about him next month. I had the privilege of delivering the Junior Warden's lecture to Jamie, and I can recall vividly that he was a very nervous young man. It has been a pleasure to see him grow in confidence in the past 2 years. Jamie enjoys scuba diving and reading. Jamie has proven to be a quick learner and progressed through the 3 degrees with apparent ease, although I'm sure he put in countless hours studying the work with his uncle and brother. Jamie will be doing work for the first time at the February meeting, and I have no doubt that he will do a superb job. I am proud to have Bro. Jamie McClelland as an officer of Brant Lodge.

Gil is 49 years old and was born in Sudbury, where his parents still reside. He is the oldest of 5 children. Gil is presently single and has 2 grown children. Gil has fond memories of his dad building a house in the country, having to do without indoor plumbing for the first winter, and chopping wood for the stove. Gil is a Grade 12 graduate and took a pre-apprenticeship course at Cambrian College in structural steel fitting. He worked at Inco for many years, and then turned to the trucking industry in 1990. Gil has an A2 licence and presently drives 200-300 miles per day delivering gypsum products from Hagersville to places like Home Depot in Barrie. Gil works long hours, starting early in the morning to make deliveries before the stores open. Unfortunately, these hours often interfere with Gil's real passion, Freemasonry. Gil is a member of St. Jude's Anglican Church, where he participates in scripture readings and sings in the choir. He curls, shoots pool, and plays darts. Gil was sponsored into Brant Lodge by R.W. Bro. Bill Clarke and W. Bro. Dave Ritchie and was initiated on Past Masters' night in June, 1998. Gil has a zeal and enthusiasm for Masonry, and loves to visit whenever he gets the chance. Gil has a strong affinity for food, and is therefore enjoying his stint as Junior Steward. In the 1½ years that I have known Gil, I have been impressed by his devotion to his Lodge and by his willingness to help wherever possible. I am proud to have Bro. Gil Russell as an officer of Brant Lodge.